Homemade Backpacking Meals- Beans & Rice Part 2

Well, if you are like me, then a proper burrito needs both rice and beans. Burritos are my comfort food! After a long trek up a hillside, the ultimate dinner reward (for me) is a burrito.

Feel free to add additional veggies to the rice if you like.

Spanish Rice

Prep Time- 5-10 min.

Cook Time: 15-20

Equipment Needed: Pan w/lid & Dehydrator

1 Cup Long Grain Rice

1 Tbs Oil

2 Cups Veggie Broth

0.5 Cups of Salsa (homemade or from the store)

  1. Put rice and oil in a pan and cook on medium heat until the rice is golden brown (if using onion add that as well)

  2. Add veggie broth and salsa (at this point, add additional veggies if you like. Sometimes I will add corn, shredded carrots, or zucchini ).

  3. Turn down the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 15-20 min. Once most of the liquid has been absorbed turn the heat off, stir, and let sit for 10 min.

  4. Once done, thinly spread on a dehydrator sheet with holes.

  5. Dehydrate at 150 degrees F for 10 hours or until completely dried out

  6. Place rice in a ziplock bag and freeze.

    **Since oil is used and has the possibility of going rancid, I always put it in a bag and freeze it. I do not know the shelf life, but for me personally, I only make what I think I will finish within 4-6 months.

How to Prepare Rice Backpacking

(Enough for two small burritos)

0.5 Cups of rice


  1. Place rice in a pan, then add water that goes about a half inch above the rice.

  2. Let the rice soak for about 20 min. (Perfect time to play cards, absorb nature, set up camp etc. As Nas would say, “The world is yours”

  3. After it has soaked add more water so that it is about a half inch above the rice.

  4. Simmer on medium heat covered.

  5. If you are planning to add beans take a little bite of rice to make sure it is almost cooked (if not add a little more water and simmer). If ready add beans and additional water and cook until done.

  6. Once it is cooked, eat it as is. Add it to a tortilla or dip your tortilla in it. But most importantly, enjoy!


Finding Your Inner Wild: A Guide to Embracing Nature


Homemade Backpacking Meals- Beans and Rice Part 1